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Be Happy, Strong & Healthy

Be Happy, Strong & Healthy

I would like to begin by saying that it is our birthright to be happy, strong & healthy – these are words I have been inspired to use when listening to Wim Hof speak on how to best impact our health naturally. 

So much money is spent on eating well, buying supplements and paying for a healthy lifestyle that we forget that the essence of all this is to lead to inner happiness, strength and good health that supports us daily to be our best version of self.  As we are totally responsible for our health we often forget that it is totally up to the decisions we make daily that have an impact on our health weekly, monthly, yearly.  Why take all your supplements if you are not feeling happier, stronger and healthier is my question to each of you.


Happiness is not something that we buy. It is something that grows within us as we find a way to best handle our lives. I can add to this that a calm mind, healthy gut, good sleep patterns and living with passion play a key role in fostering and building inner strength that is derived from staying healthy by respecting the cells and organs of your body every minute of the day.


In this new world we all need to take action as it is no longer enough to simply supplement seasonally but rather step into a 365 day protocol that helps support our body daily providing the daily energy we need to keep the whole body supported which allows passion for eating well, exercising, selecting supplements that support and are easily digested to ensure the nutrition is getting to where it needs to be in the body. 


Being Happy, Strong & Healthy needs to be our mission to conquer health and wellbeing in this new world. 

 It is more important than ever to take supplements that are aligned with nature as they are recognized by our body, organs, skin and blood as they are not foreign but rather nature has created these gifts for us to enjoy and also to keep her world safe and sound so she keeps giving to us.


I would like to invite you to let nature into every aspect of your life to enhance healthy cells, blood, organs, emotional wellbeing, skin and keeping your home clean naturally. By living with natural and organic products you are walking in line with nature so you become empowered with plant based nourishment that is easily absorbed and doesn’t disturb the equilibrium or all that the mind and body needs to stay focus, calm and energized.


Eating well in this new world we find ourselves in is not enough. We need health solutions that build a stronger platform for our health to be maintained. I feel so excited by the plant based health supplements. I feel just as privileged speaking on health and products knowing that the products I take and use in my home are sustainable and I am doing my best to give back to nature for all she has given me.


Immunity is just as important in the Springtime and Summertime – no longer something we consider only during the Wintertime. In this new world there isn’t a day that we stop building our health so I invite you to consider building your Vitamin D3 which helps support healthy immune system function, and taking a plant based skin supplement alongside health your organic skincare that protects your organs that are encased in this amazing organ called skin. Building your inner health provides the glow your skin deserves. Skincare is best supported with internal care too.


By Susan Gianevsky

Naturopath |  International Speaker

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