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Our vital tips for staying happy and healthy this holiday season

Our vital tips for staying happy and healthy this holiday season

At this time of year, it can be tricky to keep your health & well being in check. With so many social engagements our health and fitness routines can take a back step, and often we find ourselves without a balanced diet and generally lacking energy. Here are our tips to help to keep you happy and healthy this Summer!


  1. Take some time for yourself


There is a lot of pressure around Christmas time to see everyone and attend numerous different social engagements. Between our friends, family and work events, it can be incredibly overwhelming and leave us with little to no time to reflect and unwind. It is important to pick and choose which events are mandatory and which can be skipped when you need some time to relax. One or two nights to yourself in between the craziness can do a world of good both physically and mentally. Not to mention saving your wallet!


  1. Start the day off with a healthy breakfast

A common issue during the holiday season is a breakdown of our regular eating habits. Many of us place less importance on, or even skip breakfast. We have all heard the adage, breakfast is the most important meal of the day but it is true. What we eat for breakfast sets our bodies up for the rest of the day and kick starts our metabolism. Even more importance is placed on breakfast at this time of year, as it is the easiest meal to control, helps sustain you throughout the day and makes you less likely to over indulge at lunch or dinner. Try including in your brekky eggs, oatmeal, Greek yogurt or fresh fruit and you will be well set you up for the day!

  1. Be prepared

The best way to keep yourself sane over the holiday season with so much up in the air, is to be prepared as possible. Ensure your days are planned to keep a mix of social, physical and relaxing engagements. If you know you are going to have a couple of late nights towards the end of the week, going the gym at least once earlier in the week will make you feel a lot better. Alternatively, if you know you have some big days of indulgence on the horizon, make sure you are eating as well as possible on your non-cheat days. A total daily supplement like Vital All-In-One, is a great way to counteract a poor diet during the silly season. It gives you everything you need nutritionally in two simple teaspoons.

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