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What is GreenSuperfood?

Natural Foods are THE best source of essential nutrients for basic human health and protection against disease.

It was long thought that foods were mainly 'fuel' to give us energy for our day, and that deficient nutrients should be obtained from synthetic vitamin preparations. We now know that only foods contain nutrients in a form recognisable and properly assimilated by the body.

Some foods have an extraordinary range and levels of nutrients available – these are known as SUPERFOODS.

SUPERFOODS are foods that contain higher than normal levels of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (often in the form of plant pigments), essential fats and enzymes. SUPERFOODS have SUPER health benefits, delivering high potency nutrients to protect against serious disease, lower cholesterol, protect the organs from toxins and improve digestive health. Nutritionists say SUPERFOODS can help you live longer with a better quality of life. This Australian superfood powder blend (also available in vegan capsule form) delivers a high potency source of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet for improved health and vitality.

Combining our extensive experience with superfoods with advanced analysis and evaluation of the latest research, we have formulated Green SUPERFOODS to be the World's Best.

We've taken the five purest, most potent organic green superfoods and calculated the proportion of each needed to give you the optimum in multigreen nutritional supplementation.

GreenSUPERFOODS contains Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Australian Organic Barleygrass, Wheatgrass and Organic Marine Plant Minerals - these amazing products are the Kings of organic green superfood.

We've left out are the 'filler' ingredients, such as bulk fibre and insignificant amounts of herbs and synthetic vitamins that provide little to no health benefits, ensuring that gram for gram you get the most nutrient-rich and bioavailable superfood supplement possible ... a real Super Natural Multi.

Read on to discover more about the 5 ingredients of Green Superfoods and why we've included them.

Read on to discover 5 good reasons to supplement your diet with Green Superfoods.

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