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What are the health benefits

While Vitamin C is important for fighting colds and flu, this essential nutrient does so much more - the benefits are numerous.

Boost immunity

Yes it really does help you fight off the sniffles or a cough. Keep you and your family topped up with natural Vitamin C to reduce the likelihood of catching anything, or reduce the severity if you are already ill.

Help regulate blood sugar

Avoid the highs and lows that come with a poor diet to keep your blood sugar levels steady. Natural Vitamin C can help support this, so you don’t find yourself reaching for a biscuit or chocolate bar every day at 3pm.

Help with weight loss

Whether you want to drop kilos or improve strength, natural Vitamin C can help. Being deficient in Vitamin C can make it very difficult to lose weight and reach a healthy BMI.

A potent antioxidant 

Natural Vitamin C can help reduce damage to the body from things like pollution and cigarette smoke. It can even help reduce the signs of ageing.

Helps reduce effects of stress

Everyday stress can reduce your body’s stores of Vitamin C, so it’s a good idea to ensure you have an adequate intake. For busy people stress comes with the job, so ensure you are looking after yourself as well as the family.

The good news is that it’s hard to overdo it with natural Vitamin C – anything your body doesn’t need is expelled in your urine because Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin.

History shows us that humans lost the ability to synthesize Vitamin C millions of years ago, so it has to come through our diet. 17th Century trans-oceanic sailors on a diet of meat and biscuits suffered and died from scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency) until it was discovered simply adding fruit and vegetables to the mariner’s diet solved the problem. Scurvy is now making a comeback in some parts of the developed world where basic nutrition has been neglected.

  • Vitamin C is an essential nutrient critical in many metabolic processes including collagen synthesis to build strong connective tissue, carnitine synthesis for fatty acid metabolism, neurotransmitter function and immune system function.(1)
  • Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can strengthen the body's natural defences. Antioxidants clean up free radical molecules generated by pollution and help prevent oxidative stress that has been linked to chronic disease.(2)
  • Vitamin C helps white blood cells function better to help protect the body against infections by encouraging the production of white blood cells and preventing damage to them from harmful molecules.(3)

These are just some of the health benefits of getting enough natural Vitamin C in your diet, whether it’s from the fresh foods you eat or a natural superfood supplement like ORGANICGreenVITAMIN C

(1)Effect of five-year supplementation of vitamin C on serum vitamin C concentration and consumption of vegetables and fruits in middle-aged Japanese: a randomized controlled trial.

Five-year vitamin C supplementation induces a remarkable increase in serum vitamin C concentration.

(2) Dietary antioxidant vitamins intake and mortality: A report from two cohort studies of Chinese adults in Shanghai.

This study suggests that total carotene and vitamin C intake from diet were associated with fewerdeaths from all causes and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged or elderly people in China.

(3) Technical advance: ascorbic acid induces development of double-positive T cells from human hematopoietic stem cells in the absence of stromal cells.

Experiments show a pivotal role for Ascobic Acid during human in vitro T cell development.

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