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What are the health benefits?

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to human health and are thus deemed 'essential fatty acids', since they cannot be produced by the body and have to come from our diet.

The two most important components of Omega 3 are DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), which are found most prominently in oily fish – but the amounts delivered by the usual Western consumption of oily fish are not sufficient – hence the need for supplementation.

The current Western diet is rich in omega 6 from seed and vegetable oils, but the inflammatory action of Omega 6 has prompted the need for increasing the balancing intake of Omega 3.

There is a huge body of evidence to demonstrate the positive health benefits that can be gained from a diet rich in Omega 3s. With more than 25,000 published papers to date, there is continued investment to support research into health benefits.

To date, Omega 3 supplementation has been mostly supplied by fish oil, but with questions over sustainability together with the increasing change to a vegan or vegetarian diet, there has been a shift in demand to Omega 3 derived from sustainably cultivated marine micolagae. So by using Pure Plant-Source GreenOMEGA 3 you are quite literally cutting out the 'middle-fish'!

So there it is – Pure Plant-Source GreenOMEGA 3 has all the benefits of fish oil, without the highly processed fish or the associated environmental and sustainability issues!

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